Fuel Flow Sensor with 10' cable & T-connector
Fuel Flow Sensor Gasoline ONLY. 1 required per engine. Up to 3 engines supported.
- Fuel Flow
- Tank Fuel Used
- Trip Fuel Used
- Seasonal Fuel Used
Cable Length:t10'
Fuel Line Diameter:t3/8" (9.5mm) Inside Diameter
Flow Rate Measured:tOptimized for 0.6-45 Gal/hr but can measure outside these values
Added Back Pressure to the fuel system:t0.5 PSI at 20 Gal/hr; 1 PSI at 40 Gal/hr
Installation Location:tAbove the max level of the fuel tank, in-line after the fuel filter and any Y's or T's in the line
Package:tThe Fuel Flow Sensor, N2K T and 2 (two) 1" hose clamps
Fuel Type:tGasoline only. The Fuel Flow Sensor does not operate diesel engine fuel systems
Hole required to route through a bulkhead:t22mm (7/8")
Multiple Fule Flow sensors possible:tYes
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